Olson Family Life


You have stumbled upon our family website (just for close family & friends) that offers a few highlights from the Olson family here in Georgia.

We hope you enjoy a few pictures of our family - particularly from our oldest son Josh who just left on his 2 year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The Olson Family


(News): Elder Olson on a Mission

Elder Olson is currently serving his mission in South Jordan, Utah area for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

He left the Mexico City Mission Training Center (MTC) in September 2015 and as of April 2016 he has been serving for +8 months (we miss him - but we are proud of the work that he is doing).

MTC District Picture


(News): Mike's Adventures

New adventure pics posted here.


More to come!

Section 1

Lots more to come.

Section 2

Really lots more to come.

Section 3